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Science or Fiction ?The Phony Side of Particle Physics
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Science  or Fiction ?The Phony Side of Particle Physics
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Scinece  or Fiction? The Phony Side of Particle Physics/ Ofer Comay
Countries across the globe invest tens of billions in particle physics, which relies on the Standard Model. This model is styled by its proponents as “the most accurate theory in history, in any field.
This book presents a long series of failures found with the theory: its inability to explain basic phenomena known since the 1930s; its prediction of particles and materials that have refused to be uncovered even in lunar rocks; the growing recognition that basic assumptions underlying the model are incorrect; and more.
This is the first time these well-documented data have been compiled in a simple and coherent fashion, allowing science enthusiasts to understand the scientific failures and the sociological reasons for scientists' inability to openly discuss these flaws. Only a few dare to express their doubts:
 “Ironically, from the perspective of QCD, the foundations of nuclear physics appear distinctly unsound.”—Frank Wilczek, Nobel laureate, 2004
(QCD is a central part of the Standard Model.)

An English-language eBook edition was published in late 2014 by Samuel Wachtman’s Sons, Inc., CA.

292 pages, 15 x 22.5 cm

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