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UNKNOWN CAPOEIRA:Volume I -secret Techniques of the Original Brazilian Martial Art
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UNKNOWN CAPOEIRA:Volume I -secret Techniques of the Original Brazilian Martial Art
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NKNOWN CAPOEIRA:Volume I -secret Techniques of the Original Brazilian Martial Art

by Mestre Ricardo (Cachorro)

Capoeira is a martial art developed by African slaves in Brazil from the 16th century, as a result of the fusion of several ethnic groups that originally brought with them to South America their cultural identity, as well as their seeds of liberty.

Despite the strong evidence of influence from a plurality of other forms of ancient African martial arts, capoeira is essentially an original Brazilian expression with many practitioners and enthusiasts in every continent.

Although capoeira values much of its cultural and historical aspects, no one should be misled - it is an efficient and deadly fighting system! As a result of its development throughout the years, capoeira became the richest and the most spectacular and beautiful martial art on the planet. However, what even most capoeiristas do not know is that this fascinating martial art can turn into a gracefully athletic and also lethal weapon at the hands (and feet) of any disciplined, serious practitioner.

In this book you will learn unique secrets of capoeira as performed in the roda or in actual combat. Moves, ground fighting and aerial techniques are fully described to the level of perfection, with the help of hundreds of pictures. Diagrams explain special maneuvers never before published in the world of martial arts.

Additionally, readers will have free access to exciting animated GIF files for the numerous moves presented in the book.

Mestre Ricardo, a.k.a. Cachorro, a graduate of Mestre Adilson’s Grupo Bantus de Capoeira at Morro do Pavão e Pavãozinho – poverty-stricken slums in the midst of the rich suburbs of Rio de Janeiro – was the first Mestre of the YMCA Capoeira Group in Governor’s Island, achieving this honor in 1975. The following year, he became a certified Mestre from the first federation of capoeira of Rio de Janeiro, the FCP, and in the same year he introduced capoeira in a live TV show filmed in North Carolina, sponsored by the local YMCA.

In the 1970’s Mestre Ricardo was a member of the Olympic gymnastics team of Rio de Janeiro’s Fluminense Football Club, where he specialized in floor exercises.

During his professional career as a capoeira practitioner, Ricardo learned and practiced boxing, Shotokan karate and judo as a means to better understand the body mechanics of motion involved in different martial arts.

An English-language edition was  publlished in fall 2009, 288 pages, two colors, 16.5X24 cm, 200-plus illustrated practical moves.

Further new title in the Capoeira series:

The Amazing History of Capoeira 



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